Broj 2

Sadržaj / Contents – INTERNATIONAL ISSUE
Dubravka Hrabar: The Establishment of a European Court for the Rights of the Child as a New Contribution to the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice…………..181
Gregor Dugar: Division of an Equity Stake in a Company Due to Division of Common Property of the Spouses……………….. 199
Frane Staničić: The Legal Status of Religious Communities in Croatian Law…………………………. 225
Nikita Lyutov: The ILO System of International Labour Standards and Monitoring Procedures: Too Complicated to Be Effective?…………. 255
Hrvoje Lisičar, Marko Jurić: Analysis of Regulatory Provisions Governing the Protection of Minors in Audiovisual Media Services and Electronic Publications in Croatia………. 277
Maša Marochini: Civil and Political, and Economic and Social Rights – Indivisible or Separable?…………………… 307
Alan Uzelac (ed.), Goals of Civil Justice and Civil Procedure in Contemporary Judicial Systems (Marko Bratković)………. 333