Nikita Lyutov

Traditional International Labour Law and the New “Global” Kind: Is There a Way to Make Them Work Together?

Nikita Lyutov, Kutafin Moscow State Law University; National Research University Higher School of Economics, 119234, Leninskie Gory, MGU, korp. “M”, app. 159, Moscow, Russia;


The article provides an account of how international labour law, which had previously been promulgated mostly by the International Labour Organization, has been confronted by a new type of “global” labour law that has arisen from recent changes in the structure of employment brought about by the advent of globalization and multinational corporations. These rival influences on the regulation of labour have not yet reached a stable and productive accommodation to each other, and the author identifies several points of contact and conflict between them, as well as some of the background forces that bear on those conflicts. The article also evaluates several suggestions for the way the relationship between them should be managed. Separate attention is devoted to the possibility of linkage between the application of international labour standards and international trade. To date, the negotiations on inclusion of the “social clause” in the agreements on international trade within the WTO framework have been unsuccessful. However, the author considers that the current infrequent and weak linkage of international trade agreements with labour issues is inadequate, and concludes that significant limitation of the free flow of capital from one country to another is needed in order to avoid the “race to the bottom” between developing countries that leads to the degradation of the labour rights regime worldwide.

Key words: International labour standardsInternational Labour Organizationinternational labour lawinternational tradesoft law

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Pages: 29-54



Tradicionalno i novo “globalno” međunarodno radno pravo – može li se uskladiti njihovo djelovanje?

Nikita Lyutov, Kutafin Moscow State Law University; National Research University Higher School of Economics, 119234, Leninskie Gory, MGU, korp. “M”, app. 159, Moskva, Rusija;


U radu se razmatra problem kako je međunarodno radno pravo, do sada uglavnom razvijano odlukama Međunarodne organizacije rada (MOR), suočeno s novim oblikom “globalnog” radnog prava nastalog uslijed promjena u oblicima zapošljavanja zbog globalizacije i rasta uloge međunarodnih korporacija. Konkurentni utjecaji u području uređenja radnih prava još nisu postigli stabilan i produktivan odnos te autor u radu identificira nekoliko dodirnih točaka u kojima se oni sukobljavaju, kao i pozadinske silnice koje utječu na navedeni odnos. U članku se također analizira nekoliko prijedloga kako bi trebalo urediti odnos međunarodnog i “globalnog” radnog prava. Posebna pozornost posvećena je mogućnosti povezivanja standarda međunarodnog radnog prava i međunarodne trgovine. Naime, dosadašnji napori na uključenju “društvene klauzule” u međunarodne trgovinske ugovore u okviru WTO-a bili su neuspješni. Autor smatra da je trenutačno stanje rijetkog i slabog povezivanja međunarodnih trgovinskih ugovora s radnopravnim pitanjima problematično te zaključuje da je potrebno znatnije ograničenje u slobodnom protoku kapitala iz jedne u drugu zemlju kako bi se izbjegla “utrka do dna” među zemljama u razvoju te da bi se izbjeglo općenito smanjenje prava radnika u cijelom svijetu.

Ključne riječi: međunarodni radni standardiMeđunarodna organizacija radameđunarodno radno pravo;međunarodna trgovinasoft law

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Stranice: 29-54