Tomislav Sokol, Frane Staničić

Pravni položaj Katoličke Crkve kao gospodarskog subjekta u pravu Europske unije i hrvatskom pravu


Dr. sc. Tomislav Sokol, docent, viši predavač Zagrebačke škole ekonomije i managementa, naslovni docent Hrvatskog katoličkog sveučilišta, Jordanovac 110, Zagreb;; ORCID ID:

Dr. sc. Frane Staničić, izvanredni profesor Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Sv. Ćirila i Metoda 4, Zagreb;; ORCID ID:


U radu se analizira primjenjivost pravnog okvira EU-a u području državnih potpora, tržišnog natjecanja i slobode kretanja usluga na djelatnost Katoličke Crkve, ponajprije s obzirom na pitanje obavlja li Katolička Crkva gospodarsku djelatnost i u kojem opsegu prema tom pravnom okviru, te se utvrđuje poštuje li Republika Hrvatska navedeni okvir i postoje li točke prijepora koje je potrebno pravno razriješiti. Ističu se nepoznanice koje praksa Suda Europske unije nije još do kraja razriješila, a tiču se primjenjivosti tržišnih pravila EU-a na vjerske zajednice. Također se prezentira skup pravnih pravila koja unutar Republike Hrvatske reguliraju položaj Katoličke Crkve, uz poseban naglasak na moguće točke prijepora u odnosu na pravo EU-a. Na kraju se predlažu moguća rješenja navedenih nejasnoća i prijepora, na europskoj i na nacionalnoj razini, sukladno načelu pravne sigurnosti kao iznimno bitnom za adresate predmetnih pravnih normi.

Ključne riječi: Katolička Crkvadržavna potporagospodarska djelatnostpoduzetnik

Hrčak ID: 195556

Puni tekst:

Stranice: 31 – 60



Legal Status of the Catholic Church as an Economic Entity in EU and Croatian Law


Tomislav Sokol, Ph. D., Assistant Professor, senior lecturer, Zagreb School of Economics and Management; Assistant Professor, Croatian Catholic University; Jordanovac 110, Zagreb;; ORCID ID:

Frane Staničić, Ph. D., Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Sv. Ćirila i Metoda 4, Zagreb;; ORCID ID:


Regulation of the Catholic Church’s legal status in the European Union primarily falls within the competences of the Member States. The Croatian legal framework in this respect consists of various types of legal rules, most important of which is the set of international agreements entered into between the Republic of Croatia and the Holy See. Still, EU competition, state aid and free movement rules affect this legal framework to a significant degree. The aim of this paper is to analyse the applicability of the said EU rules to the activities of the Catholic Church in Croatia, that is to determine whether the Catholic Church can be considered an undertaking conducting an economic activity (and to what degree) according to the said legal framework, whether the Croatian national legal framework is aligned with the EU rules, and whether there are points of contention in this area which need to be legally rectified. The second part of this paper analyses the European Union state aid and free movement legal framework, primarily trying to determine whether the Catholic Church is an undertaking carrying out an economic activity as prescribed by EU law. In this analysis, several issues emerge which have not been clearly resolved by the Court of Justice. The following part features an outline of the Croatian national legal framework on the legal status of the Catholic Church, focusing on potential points of contention between the national and the EU law. Finally, certain solutions to the mentioned issues are proposed, on the European and the national level, in accordance with legal certainty as the general principle of (EU) law.

Keywords: Catholic Churchstate aideconomic activityundertaking

Hrčak ID: 195556

Full text:

Pages: 31 – 60