Review / Prikaz


Book review:

Simone Lamont-Black, D. Rhidian Thomas (eds.), CURRENT ISSUES IN FREIGHT FORWARDING: LAW AND LOGISTICS, Lawtext Publishing Limited, Oxford, 2017


Iva Savić, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, Zagreb;; ORCID ID:
“Current issues in freight forwarding: law and logistics” is the final fruit reaped after two successful conferences dedicated to the topic of logistics and freight forwarding, organized in Edinburgh and Antwerp in 2015 and 2016, respectively. This 564-page book, published by Lawtext Publishing limited in January 2018, comprises papers by 18 authors written on a number of various legal topics concerning the role and duties of freight forwarders in modern international transport. Authors from different jurisdictions (France, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Croatia, to name just a few) take a comparative approach to the topic of freight forwarders seen from different perspectives, proving their role to be complex and uniquely diverse in today’s market.
Apart from the papers collected in 14 chapters, which will be presented in more detail later on, additional three chapters of the book are dedicated to the analysis of standard terms and conditions of freight forwarders in Germany, Ireland and Nordic countries. As added value, this book also delivers a comprehensive set of international transport conventions – in full text – covering all transport modes, as well as multimodal transport, and standard forms of freight forwarder agreements.
The editors of the book, Dr Simone Lamont-Black and Prof D Rhidian Thomas, who have also contributed to the book with their researches, managed to collect papers that collectively offer a comprehensive picture of the complex law of freight forwarding, making it easier for scholars and the transport industry alike to understand and grasp the practices of freight forwarding in various countries.

Keywords: freight forwardingmaritime and transport law

Hrčak ID: 200536

Full text:

Pages: 303 – 307



Prikaz knjige: Simone Lamont-Black, D. Rhidian Thomas (eds.), Current Issues in Freight Forwarding: Law and Logistics, Lawtext Publishing Limited, Oxford, 2017


Dr. sc. Iva Savić, docentica Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, Zagreb;; ORCID ID:


Prikaz zbornika radova sa dvije konferencije na temu “Current issues in freight forwarding: law and logistics” održane u Edinburghu i Antwerpenu 2015 i 2016.

Ključne riječi: freight forwardingpomorsko i općeprometno pravo

Hrčak ID: 200536

Puni tekst:

Stranice: 303 – 307