Pojam presudivosti i Kantorowiczev pristup utvrđivanju sadržaja prava
Dr. sc. Mario Krešić, docent Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, Zagreb; mario.kresic@pravo.hr; ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0002-0014-4157
Kantorowiczev pojam presudivosti u njegovoj definiciji prava upućuje na karakterističan pristup utvrđivanju sadržaja prava. Ovaj pristup može se shvatiti kao kritika pozitivizma 19. stoljeća, ali i kao pristup koji pripada teorijama kritički usmjerenima prema pravnom pozitivizmu 20. stoljeća. U ovom članku analizirat ćemo Kantorowiczev pojam presudivosti, povezati ga s njegovim širim shvaćanjem sadržaja prava te pokazati kako se na temelju pojma presudivosti može uspostaviti razlika između Kantorowiczeve teorije i obje vrste pozitivističkih teorija. Razlike u odnosu na poslijeratni pozitivizam pokazat ćemo kroz usporedbu Kantorowiczeve teorije s teorijama H. L. A. Harta i Ronalda Dworkina.
Ključne riječi: Kantorowicz; formalizam; presudivost; izvori prava; pozitivizam
Hrčak ID: 233802
URI: https://hrcak.srce.hr/233802
Stranice: 725-742
The Concept of Justiciability and Kantorowicz’s Approach to the Determination of the Content of Law
Mario Krešić, Ph. D., Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, Zagreb; mario.kresic@pravo.hr; ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0002-0014-4157
Kantorowicz’s concept of justiciability in his definition of law reveals a characteristic approach to the determination of the content of law. This approach can be understood as a critique of 19th century positivism as well as an approach belonging to the theories critically related to the theory of legal positivism of the 20th century. In this article, we will analyse the concept of justiciability, connect it with his broader understanding of the content of law, and explain how a distinction can be made between Kantorowicz’s theory and both types of positivistic theories on the basis of this concept. Differences in relation to post-war positivism will be demonstrated through a comparison of Kantorowicz’s theory with the theories of H.L.A. Hart and Ronald Dworkin.
Keywords: Kantorowicz; formalism; justiciability; sources of law; positivism
Hrčak ID: 233802
URI: https://hrcak.srce.hr/233802
Pages: 715-742