Plutajući terminal za ukapljeni prirodni plin na otoku Krku – pravni aspekti zaštite morskog okoliša s naglaskom na međunarodno pravo
Irena Nišević, mag. iur., asistentica Jadranskog zavoda Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, Šenoina 4, Zagreb;; ORCID ID:
U radu se obrađuju pravni aspekti utjecaja djelatnosti plutajućeg terminala na morski okoliš, i to u fazi kada terminal počne raditi, što se predviđa za 1. siječnja 2021. godine, ne ulazeći u analizu utjecaja gradnje samog terminala na morski okoliš. Djelatnosti plutajućeg terminala su prihvat, skladištenje i uplinjavanje ukapljenog prirodnog plina te zatim otprema prirodnog plina u transportni sustav. Unatoč primjeni dužne pažnje ove djelatnosti mogu dovesti do štetnih posljedica za morski okoliš. U slučaju da te djelatnosti s povećanom opasnošću prouzroče onečišćenje morskog okoliša, odgovara osoba koja se njima bavi, osim ako se ugovorom kojim se operater ovlašćuje na obavljanje takvih djelatnosti izričito ne propiše odgovornost države pod čijom jurisdikcijom ili kontrolom se djelatnosti obavljaju.
Ključne riječi: plutajući terminal; ukapljeni prirodni plin; onečišćenje morskog okoliša; djelatnosti s povećanom opasnošću; odgovornost države bez protupravnosti
Hrčak ID: 238493
Stranice: 137-165
The Floating LNG Terminal on the Island of Krk – Legal Aspects of the Protection of the Marine Environment with an Emphasis on International Law
Irena Nišević, LL. M., Assistant, Adriatic Institute of the Croatian Academy of
Sciences and Arts, Augusta Šenoe 4, Zagreb;; ORCID ID:
This paper deals with the legal aspects of the effects of the floating terminal on the island of Krk on the marine environment during its operation, which is estimated to start on 1 January 2021, without discussing the effects of its construction.
The activities of the floating terminal include the receipt, storage and regasification of liquified natural gas along with the forwarding of natural gas to the transport system. These activities may lead to injurious consequences for the marine environment, despite the application of the standard of due dilligence. In the event that pollution of the marine environment arises from these ultra-hazardous activities, the operator of these activities bears the responsibility, unless liability of the state under whose jurisdiction or control the activities are carried out has been expressly agreed to in the contract under which the operator is authorised to undertake such activities.
Keywords: floating terminal; liquified natural gas; pollution of the marine environment; ultra-hazardous activities; state liability
Hrčak ID: 238493
Pages: 137-165