Petra Đurman

Savjetovanje s javnošću u pripremi propisa u Hrvatskoj Petra Đurman, postdoktorandica Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, 10 000 Zagreb;; ORCID ID:


Savjetovanje s javnošću uobičajen je instrument uključivanja javnosti u procese oblikovanja javnih politika diljem demokratskih država, koje ih najčešće pravno reguliraju. U Republici Hrvatskoj savjetovanja s javnošću – osobito u svojoj elektroničkoj inačici (e-savjetovanja) – predstavljaju relativno nov način participacije javnosti u procesu regulacije, koji znanstveno još nije opsežnije istražen. U ovom se radu savjetovanja s javnošću analiziraju u dva aspekta. Prvo, ocjenjuje se adekvatnost hrvatskog pravnog okvira te se ocjenjuje njegova usklađenost s međunarodnim standardima, dok se u drugom dijelu prikazuju nalazi empirijskog istraživanja provedenog metodom kvantitativne analize sadržaja izvješća i drugih dokumenata e-savjetovanja koja su provele upravne organizacije u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 2016. do 2018. godine.

Ključne riječi: savjetovanja s javnošćupravni okvirprimjena e-savjetovanjaupravne organizacijeempirijsko istraživanje

Hrčak ID: 244580


Stranice: 407-444


Public Consultations in the Regulatory Process in Croatia


Petra Đurman, Ph. D., Postdoctoral Researcher, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia;; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8287-3686


Public consultations today represent a common instrument for public participation in the regulatory process, that is, in the process of formulating public policies, including draft laws, secondary legislation and other acts. Although public consultations are most often legally regulated, there are differences in the nature, scope and content of the pertinent legal requirements, which – alongside administrative tradition and established practices – reflect on their implementation in practice. In Croatia, public consultations – now in the form of e-consultations – represent a rather new instrument for involving the public in the regulatory process, the features and outcomes of which have not been widely scientifically investigated yet. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is twofold; first, to analyse the legal framework for public consultations and its compatibility with the standards contained in legal acts and documents of the European Union, Council of Europe and other international organizations (UN, OECD). Secondly, the paper aims at providing empirical insights into the implementation of e-consultations in the practice of administrative organizations at different levels of government (national, regional, local). Empirical research has been conducted by a quantitative content analysis of the reports and other documents of the e-consultations implemented in the period from 2016 to 2018. The findings suggest that although the legal framework for public consultations is adequate and compatible with international standards, there are some deficiencies with regard to their practical implementation, such as the frequency of their conduction at the local level, the clarity of the process, etc.

Keywords: public consultationslegal frameworkimplementation of e-consultationsadministrative organizationsempirical research

Hrčak ID: 244580


Pages: 407-444