Anna-Maria Getoš Kalac, Dalia Pribisalić

Tamna i svijetla strana tamne brojke kriminala: o izazovima istraživanja nepoznanica i blagoslovu neznanja

Dr. sc. Anna-Maria Getoš Kalac, LL.M., izvanredna profesorica Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, Zagreb;; ORCID ID:

 Dalia Pribisalić, mag. psych., asistentica Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (Violence Research Lab), Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, Zagreb;; ORCID ID:

Autori u radu na temelju recentnih međunarodnih, inozemnih i domaćih istraživanja kritički analiziraju postojeće spoznaje o tamnoj brojci kriminala i u njima utkane konceptualne te metodološke izazove radi upućivanja ne samo na uobičajeno isticanu tamnu stranu tamne brojke kriminala, već i radi zaključnog osvještavanja njezine, gotovo u cijelosti zanemarene, svijetle strane. U tom se smislu svijetla strana tamne brojke kriminala odnosi na tezu o tzv. preventivnom učinku neznanja (njem. Präventivwirkung des Nichtwissens) te predstavlja fenomen koji ima iznimno važnu, a u domaćem kriminološkom i kaznenopravnom diskursu potpuno zanemarenu pozitivnu funkciju održavanja predodžbe o obuhvatnosti i učinkovitosti kaznenog progona, a bez te predodžbe zamišljeni generalno preventivni učinak kaznenoga prava postaje bespredmetan. Time autori s jedne strane teže ostvarivanju znanstvenog doprinosa sveobuhvatnosti diskursa o tamnoj brojci i kriminalu u Hrvatskoj, dok s druge strane upućuju na nesavladive konceptualne te gotovo neotklonjive metodološke izazove pri pokušajima rasvjetljavanja tamne brojke kriminala. Namjera autora nije niti devalvacija (srozavanje vrijednosti) istraživanja tamne brojke općenito, niti se potiče rezignacija (odustajanje) u naumu rasvjetljavanja tamne brojke pojedinih skupina delikata pomoću viktimizacijskih i samoiskaznih studija. Namjera je autora sveobuhvatno i kritičko sagledavanje fenomena tamne brojke kriminala u svoj svojoj složenosti, životnosti i međusobnoj isprepletenosti s akterima kaznenog progona, pri tome ne podcjenjujući njezine negativne spoznajne učinke, ali isto tako ni ne zanemarujući njezinu nadasve pozitivnu funkciju u službi stabilizacije normi i održivosti represivnog sustava te društva u cjelini.

Ključne riječi: tamna brojka kriminalaviktimizacijske studijemjerenje kriminalastudije samoiskazane delinkvencije

Hrčak ID: 247315


Stranice: 637-673


The Dark and the Bright Side of the Dark Figure of Crime: On the Challenges of Researching the Unknown and the Bliss of Ignorance

Anna-Maria Getoš Kalac, Ph. D., Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, Zagreb, Croatia;; ORCID ID:

Dalia Pribisalić, mag. psych., Assistant, Faculty of Law (Violence Research Lab), University of Zagreb, Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, Zagreb, Croatia;; ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5155-9793

In the paper at hand the authors critically analyse the state of the art in the research into the dark figure of crime, as well as the conceptual and methodological challenges that are inherent to this kind of research. They do so based on current international, foreign and domestic studies, with the goal of highlighting not only the commonly stressed ‘dark side’ of the dark figure of crime, but also in order to raise awareness of its almost completely disregarded ‘bright side’. In this regard the bright side of the dark figure of crime relates to the thesis of the so-called preventive effect of ignorance (germ. Präventivwirkung des Nichtwissens) and presents a phenomenon with a vastly important positive function which has thus far been completely neglected in the domestic criminological and criminal law discourse. This function basically ensures that the criminal justice response to criminal behaviour is perceived as comprehensive and effective. Without such perception the general preventive effect, as envisaged by criminal law, would be unsubstantial. By highlighting the dark figure’s bright side, the authors on the one hand aspire to make a scientific contribution to the comprehensiveness of the discourse about the dark figure of crime in Croatia, while on the other hand they illustrate the unsolvable conceptual and almost unavoidable methodological challenges which are inherent to the attempts of shedding light upon the dark figure of crime. The authors’ intention is neither to devalorize dark figure research in general, nor to bring about resignation with regard to enterprises seeking to reveal the dark figure of certain types of crime by means of victimisation or self-report studies. It is rather the intention of the authors to comprehensively and critically examine the dark figure phenomenon in all its complexity, vividness and mutual interwovenness with the criminal justice actors, and while doing so to neither underestimate the dark figure’s negative cognitive effects, nor to ignore its overly positive function in the service of norm stabilisation and sustaining the repressive system, as well as society as a whole.

Keywords: dark figure of crimevictimisation surveysmeasuring crimeself-report delinquency studies

Hrčak ID: 247315


Pages: 637-673