Prigovor kao pravni lijek prema Zakonu o općem upravnom postupku
Dr. sc. Alen Rajko, sudac Upravnog suda u Rijeci, Erazma Barčića 5, 51 000 Rijeka; docent u naslovnom zvanju na Pravnom fakultetu u Rijeci;; ORCID ID:
Uz žalbu u upravnom postupku, prigovor je drugi redoviti pravni lijek prema Zakonu o općem upravnom postupku. Prigovor pruža pravnu zaštitu na pet područja upravnog prava izvan upravnog postupka: kod triju vrsta upravnih postupanja (iniciranje pokretanja postupka po službenoj dužnosti, obavješćivanje o uvjetima ostvarivanja i zaštite prava, zaštita od drugih oblika postupanja javnopravnih tijela), kod postupanja pružatelja javnih usluga te kod neispunjavanja obveza koje javnopravno tijelo ima prema upravnom ugovoru. Osim razlika u materiji svakog od pet instituta kod kojih se prigovor primjenjuje, pojedine vrste prigovora razlikuju se po tome aktivira li se njihovim podnošenjem upravni postupak, jesu li remonstrativni ili devolutivni, koja im je svrha, po propisanim rokovima i dr. U odnosu na sve vrste prigovora sudska zaštita osigurana je u upravnom sporu.
Ključne riječi: prigovor, postupanje, upravni ugovor, javne usluge, upravni postupak
Hrčak ID: 266132
Stranice: 511-532
Complaint as a Legal Remedy Under the General Administrative Procedure Act
Alen Rajko, Ph. D., Judge at the Adminstrative Court in Rijeka, Erazma Barčića 5, 51 000 Rijeka; Titular Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka;; ORCID ID:
In addition to resolving administrative matters in the administrative procedure, the Croatian General Administrative Procedure Act regulates five other types of subsidiary legal protection that are not decided by an administrative act. These are three types of administrative actions (initiating procedure ex officio by petition; notifications on the conditions for exercising and protecting rights; protection from other actions of public law bodies), actions of public service providers, as well as non-fulfillment of contractual obligations by public bodies (administrative contracts). As an instrument of legal protection with regard to the mentioned forms of administrative activity, an ordinary appellate procedure is envisaged – the complaint. The paper analyzes the legislative genesis of the mentioned additional institutes, the general regulatory framework related to complaints, as well as the provisions related to a particular type of complaint. Due to the significant differences between the five legal institutes to which the complaint relates, there are also certain differences between the types of complaints in their essential legal features. These features are compared horizontally, using legal-theoretical and normative criteria. In relation to all types of complaints, a judicial remedy is provided in the administrative dispute. Therefore, the specifics of this type of administrative disputes are also considered. In conclusion, among other issues, the procedural importance of complaint for the realization of the rights and legal interests of citizens and legal entities, and indirectly for the quality of administrative activities, is emphasized.
Keywords: complaint, administrative action, administrative contract, public services, administrative procedure
Hrčak ID: 266132
Pages: 511-532