Edita Čulinović-Herc

“Kako osigurati primjenu etične blockchain tehnologije u trgovačkom društvu”


Dr. sc. Edita Čulinović-Herc, profesorica Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Hahlić 6, 51000 Rijeka; edita@pravri.hr; ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0002-6177-8057

Pravno uređenje ne prati ubrzani razvoj novih tehnologija među koje se ubraja i tehnologija distribuiranog knjiženja (dalje: DLT), često nazivana i blockchain (dalje: BC). Mnogi su primjeri primjene tih tehnologija u trgovačkom društvu. To naglašava zahtjeve etičnosti, kako prilikom oblikovanja novog tehnološkog alata tako i u postojanju tijela u trgovačkom društvu koje će se brinuti o odabiru i primjeni etičnog i nepristranog BC-rješenja. Izrada etičnog okvira koji će biti primjenjiv prilikom oblikovanja BC-rješenja ne samo da je potrebna kao supstitut za nedostajuće pravno uređenje, već treba biti i samostalni regulatorni napor. S tim ciljem istražuju se tehnološki skandali u kojima je došlo do bitnih odstupanja od temeljnih obećanja BC-tehnologije prilikom napada na sustav izvana. Ispituje se jesu li primijenjeni isti postupci oporavka sustava od napada. U nastavku se istražuju regulatorne inicijative za uređenje etičnosti BC-tehnologije te se u posljednjem dijelu rada traži uporišno mjesto u trgovačkom društvu koje će osigurati primjenu etičnih i nepristranih BC-tehnoloških rješenja.

Ključne riječi: etično postupanje, blockchain, tehnološki skandali, trgovačko društvo, korporativno upravljanje


Hrčak ID: 280130

URI: https://hrcak.srce.hr/280130

Stranice: 157-188


“How to Ensure the Application of Ethical Blockchain Technology in a Company”


Edita Čulinović-Herc, Ph. D., Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka, Hahlić 6, Rijeka, Hrvatska; edita@pravri.hr; ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0002-6177-8057

The law does not follow the dramatic development of new technologies, including the distributed ledger technology (hereinafter: DLT), often called blockchain (hereinafter: BC). There are numerous examples of the application of these technologies in a company. An underregulated environment emphasizes the need of an ethical approach in situations where a company decides to select a new BC tool, as well as to identify a relevant body in the company that will ensure the selection and implementation BC technological solutions in an ethical and impartial manner. The development of an ethical framework for BC solutions is not only needed as a substitute for the missing legal regulation, but should also be an independent regulatory effort. To this end, technology scandals are being investigated in which significant deviations from the fundamental promises of BC technology have occurred during hacker attacks. It was examined whether the same system recovery procedures were applied in factually similar situations. It was found that recovery procedures were substantially diverging, which raises strong ethical concerns. Therefore, regulatory initiatives calling for ethical BC technology are explored. In the last part of the paper, the author proposes two alternatives as an answer to the question who should be in charge in the company to ensure that BC technology solutions are selected and applied in an ethical and impartial manner. Although companies are free to set up their “ethical and prevention of conflict of interest system” autonomously, they might consider to select a technology committee for that role or a compliance officer. Either way, companies should decide whether to design ethical and conflict of interest control as ex ante or ex post, given the importance of the corporate function or operation that is going to be digitalized by applying BC technology solutions.

Keywords: ethical conduct, blockchain, technology scandals, company, corporate governance

DOI: https://doi.org/10.3935/zpfz.72.12.04

Hrčak ID: 280130

URI: https://hrcak.srce.hr/280130

Pages: 157-188