Mihaela Braut Filipović

Specifičnosti upravljanja obiteljskim društvima


Dr. sc. Mihaela Braut Filipović, docentica Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Hahlić 6, Rijeka; mbraut@pravri.hr; ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0002-2476-545X


Obiteljska su društva važan gospodarstveni čimbenik na domaćem tržištu i komparativnim tržištima. Unatoč tomu, nisu uređena kao izdvojeni tip trgovačkog društva te nisu predmet zakonske regulacije ni druge klasifikacije. U tim društvima obitelj ima prevladavajući utjecaj na vođenje društva, kroz vlasničku ili upravljačku strukturu. Specifičnost korporativnopravnog upravljanja u obiteljskim društvima jest to što počiva na preklapanju obitelji, vlasništva (članstva u društvu) i upravljanja društvom. Obiteljsko upravljanje (family governance) postaje jednako važno kao i upravljanje društvom jer obiteljska kohezija i skladni odnosi postaju uvjetom uspješnog poslovanja društva. U ovome se radu analiziraju instrumenti za postavljanje dobre obiteljske strategije, kao što su izrada obiteljskog ustava, te uspostava posebnih tijela kao što su obiteljsko vijeće i obiteljski ured, koji se bave isključivo raznim pitanjima od važnosti za obitelj. S obzirom na to da su hrvatska društva mahom upravo u trenutku prijenosa posla na iduću generaciju, takvi mehanizmi mogu pomoći u očuvanju obiteljskog sklada i uspješnog nastavka poslovanja društva.

Ključne riječi: obiteljsko društvo/poduzećekorporativno upravljanjeobiteljski ustavobiteljsko vijećeobiteljski ured

Puni tekst: https://hrcak.srce.hr/193109

Stranice: 935 – 962



Specific Features Governing Family Businesses


Mihaela Braut Filipović, Ph. D., Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka, Hahlić 6, Rijeka; mbraut@pravri.hr; ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0002-2476-545X


Family businesses have an important impact on a country’s economy, and Croatia is no exception. In spite of that, family businesses are not subject to any legal regulation or part of any national classification. Family businesses can be formed as any type of company under the Croatian Companies Act. However, regardless of their form, family businesses have unique features which distinguish them from any other type of business. In these businesses families have the prevailing influence, either through ownership or management. They are mostly long-term oriented and ultimately aim to transfer the business to the next generation within the family. Family tradition and values are embodied in the family business, and they often serve as both the business motto and a way to preserve family identity through generations. Specific dynamics of corporate governance in family businesses stem from the overlapping of family, ownership and business. In order to fully comprehend the governance of family businesses the role of the family in the business must be taken into account. Family governance becomes equally important as business governance, as family cohesion and good family relations become the condition sine qua non for the success of the business. Family governance is in fact a strategy for managing family matters which might have an influence on the family business. However, all measures taken to establish a family strategy are completely voluntary – their establishment depends on the will of family members as well as their conformity with the adopted strategy. Practice clearly shows that if family matters are not coordinated, especially if there are conflicts between the family members or a lack of a common business vision, the company’s future existence is at stake. This article analyses possible instruments for devising a good family strategy, as is the writing of a family constitution and forming special bodies within the company, such as the Family Council and the Family Office. Their only role is to govern different aspects of family needs in order to maintain family cohesion. As Croatian companies face the challenge of transferring a large number of family businesses, these instruments can help preserve family cohesion while ensuring the continuity of the family business.

Keywords: family company / businesscorporate governancefamily constitutionfamily councilfamily office

Full text: https://hrcak.srce.hr/193109

Pages: 935 – 962