Luka Burazin

Učinkovitost kao uvjet važenja u Kelsenovoj Općoj teoriji normi


Dr. sc. Luka Burazin, izvanredni profesor Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, 10000 Zagreb;; ORCID:


Prema Kelsenu postoje dva (činjenična) uvjeta pod kojima se može reći da se norme treba pridržavati, a ako je se ne pridržava, da je treba primjenjivati, tj. da norma postoji ili važi. Ti su uvjeti sljedeći: 1) činjenica da je norma postavljena (i da nije derogirana) i 2) činjenica da je norma učinkovita ili da je moguće da bude učinkovita. U radu se usredotočujem na drugi od dvaju (činjeničnih) uvjeta važenja. Osnovni je cilj rada rekonstruirati i kritički raščlaniti učinkovitost kao uvjet važenja u Kelsenovoj Općoj teoriji normi u svjetlu Kelsenova novouvedenog razlikovanja između uvjetnog i potpunog važenja norme i dinamičkog aspekta pravnog poretka. Osim toga, u radu nastojim sustavno objasniti učinkovitost kao uvjet važenja općih i pojedinačnih pravnih normi, uzimajući u obzir vremenski aspekt važenja, tj. trenutke u kojima norma stječe i gubi važenje i vremenski luk u kojemu je važeća (u kojemu postoji).

Ključne riječi: Hans Kelsenvaženjepostojanjeučinkovitostpravni poredak

Hrčak ID: 244577


Stranice: 315-339


Efficacy as a Condition of Validity in Hans Kelsen’s General Theory of Norms


Luka Burazin, Ph. D., Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia;; ORCID:


According to Kelsen, there are two (factual) conditions under which one can say that a legal norm is to (or ought to) be observed, and if not observed, then applied, i.e., that a norm exists or is valid. These are: 1) the fact that a norm has been posited (and has not been repealed), and 2) the fact that a norm is efficacious or that it has the possibility of being efficacious. The paper focuses on the second of the two (factual) conditions of validity. Its main aim is to reconstruct and critically analyse efficacy as a condition of validity in Hans Kelsen’s General Theory of Norms both in the light of his newly introduced distinction between the conditional and full validity of a norm and the dynamic aspect of the legal order. It also aims to give a systemic account of efficacy as a condition of validity of both general and individual legal norms, taking into account the temporal aspect of validity, i.e., the moments in which a norm becomes valid and ceases to be valid, and the time span during which it remains valid.
The paper first outlines Kelsen’s understanding of the concept of efficacy (Section 2). It then analyses and reconstructs the efficacy condition as a condition for the beginning of a legal norm’s validity (Section 3), and goes on to analyse and reconstruct the efficacy condition as a condition of the end of a legal norm’s validity. Finally, the paper systematizes the conditions under which the general hypothetical sanction-decreeing legal norm and the individual hypothetical and categorical sanction-decreeing legal norms acquire and lose their validity (Section 5).

Keywords: Hans Kelsenvalidityexistenceefficacylegal order

Hrčak ID: 244577


Pages: 315-339