Henrik-Riko Held

Bona fides (poštenje posjeda) kod zastare (praescriptio acquisitiva) i dosjelosti (usucapio) – prilog raspravi o suodnosu kanonskog i hrvatskog prava


Dr. sc. Henrik-Riko Held, docent Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, 10 000 Zagreb; hheld@pravo.hr; ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0002-6217-2655


U radu se analiziraju bona fides i poštenje posjeda kao pretpostavke kanonskopravne zastare (praescriptio acquisitiva) te dosjelosti hrvatskog prava u njihovu suodnosu. Naime, djelovanjem ugovora između Svete Stolice i RH o pravnim pitanjima u određenim slučajevima vezanima uz crkvene pravne osobe i njihovu imovinu primjenjuju se odredbe kanonskog prava te je cilj rada utvrditi na koji se način to odnosi i na ovu pretpostavku. Nakon opće analize kanonskopravne zastare te pretpostavke dobre vjere kod dosjelosti u rimskoj pravnoj tradiciji zasebno se obrađuje kanonskopravna bona fides i njezine specifičnosti koje ju čine strožim standardom od poštenja posjeda hrvatskog prava. Naposljetku se zaključuje kako se kanonskopravna bona fides primjenjuje kad god crkvene pravne osobe stječu imovinu dosjelošću, a po svemu sudeći i kad se istim načinom stječe njihova imovina.

Ključne riječi: bona fidespoštenje posjedapraescriptiodosjelostkanonsko pravo

Hrčak ID: 252330

URI: https://hrcak.srce.hr/252330

Stranice: 755-781


Bona fides (Good Faith) in praescriptio acquisitiva and Adverse Possession – A Contribution to the Discourse on the Interrelationship Between Canon Law and Croatian Law


Henrik-Riko Held, Ph. D., Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia; hheld@pravo.hr; ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0002-6217-2655


The author analyses bona fides, or possession in good faith, as a prerequisite of the canonical praescriptio acquisitiva and the adverse possession as set forth in contemporary Croatian law in their interrelationship. The problem stems from the fact that the Treaty between the Holy See and the Republic of Croatia on legal matters, being an international treaty and thus having precedence over Croatian laws according to the Croatian constitution, in certain circumstances allows for a direct application of canon law within the Croatian legal system. The aim of this paper is to analyse whether this also applies to bona fides in adverse possession, and if so, in which way exactly. The canonical praescriptio in the context of the Roman legal tradition is analysed first in order to clarify certain terminological and conceptual discrepancies between canon law and Croatian law in this field. Bona fides regarding usucapio and praescriptio of Roman law and the Roman legal tradition is then particularly addressed. The central part of the paper deals with canonical bona fides, where it is specifically noted that it is a stricter standard in comparison to good faith as found in Croatian law. Canon law requires positive good faith throughout the whole required prescription period, meaning knowledge or a reasonable possibility of knowledge of having a right to possess, not infringing the right of another thereby. On the other hand, Croatian law requires knowledge or possibility of knowledge at the outset, while later on only acquired knowledge will render possession illicit. In addition, the Croatian standard of good faith is conceived more simply in comparison to the twofold canonical standard, i.e. only as the absence of knowledge or possibility of knowledge of not having a right to possess. Although both systems presume good faith, those differences may prove crucial if an interested party (owner of property being prescribed) offers evidence to the contrary. Finally, our analysis of the Treaty between the Holy See and the Republic of Croatia on legal matters revealed that the canonical standard of bona fides should be applied whenever a juridical person of the Catholic Church in Croatia acquires property by means of adverse possession, but by all accounts also when any other person acquires Church property in the same way.

Keywords: bona fidesgood faithpraescriptioadverse possessioncanon law

Hrčak ID: 252330

URI: https://hrcak.srce.hr/252330

Pages: 755-781