Juraj Brozović

Je li prethodni postupak doveo do koncentracije i kraćeg trajanja parničnog postupka?

Dr. sc. Juraj Brozović, asistent Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, 10000 Zagreb; jbrozovic@pravo.hr;

ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0003-2362-4580


Nakon više od deset godina primjene pravila o prethodnom postupku, koja su bila predmetom većeg broja novela Zakona o parničnom postupku, postoji potreba da se preispita je li takva postupna strukturna promjena doista dovela do koncentracije te kraćeg trajanja postupka uz održavanje manjeg broja ročišta. Službeni podatci koje objavljuje Ministarstvo pravosuđa RH odnosno Vrhovni sud RH ne mogu dati odgovor na pitanje koliko i zašto traje postupak, koliko traju pojedini njegovi stadiji te koliko se u postupku zakazuje ročišta. Naše istraživanje nudi inovativnu metodologiju te prikazuje rezultate opsežnog empirijskog istraživanja koje, s jedne strane, uzima u obzir stvarne podatke o trajanju postupka i broju ročišta iz sustava eSpis te, s druge strane, analizom reprezentativnog uzorka predmeta najvećeg hrvatskog općinskog suda nastoji identificirati potencijalne uzročnike neučinkovitih postupaka. Naposljetku predlažu se nužne izmjene pravila o prethodnom postupku, ali i mentaliteta sudaca, odvjetnika i drugih pravnih profesionalaca koji sudjeluju u postupku.

Ključne riječi: prethodni postupakempirijsko istraživanjetrajanje postupkabroj ročištalojalna suradnjarazmjernost
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3935/zpfz.71.5.05
Hrčak ID: 272076
URI: https://hrcak.srce.hr/272076
Stranice: 715-766


Did Croatian Preparatory Proceedings Contribute to the Concentration and Shorter Duration of Civil Proceedings?

Dr. sc. Juraj Brozović, Assistant, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, 10000 Zagreb; jbrozovic@pravo.hr;

ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0003-2362-4580


After more than ten years of application of the rules introducing the preparatory proceedings, which have been the subject of several amendments to the Civil Procedure Act, there is a need to examine whether such a gradual structural change has indeed led to concentrated and shorter proceedings with fewer hearings. The official data published by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia, i.e, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia does not include data on the duration of the proceedings or the reason for such situation, nor does it explain how long its individual stages last or how many hearings are held in an average proceeding. Our research offers an innovative methodology and presents the results of extensive empirical research, which, on the one hand, considers actual data on the duration of proceedings and the number of hearings from the official case record system and, on the other hand, analyzes a representative sample of cases of the largest Croatian municipal court, trying to identify potential causes of inefficient proceedings. Finally, this paper proposes the necessary changes to the rules on the preparatory proceedings, as well as in the mentality of judges, lawyers and other legal professionals involved in the proceedings.

Keywords: preparatory proceedingsempirical researchduration of proceedingsnumber of hearingsloyal cooperationproportionality
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3935/zpfz.71.5.05
Hrčak ID: 272076
URI: https://hrcak.srce.hr/272076
Pages: 715-766