Jakša Barbić

Odgovornost članova nadzornog odbora za štetu počinjenu dioničkom društvu


Dr. sc. Jakša Barbić, akademik, redoviti član Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, Zrinski trg 11, 10000 Zagreb; professor emeritus Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, 10000 Zagreb; jaksa.barbic@outlook.com; ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0002-2756-6712

Rad sustavno obrađuje odgovornost članova nadzornog odbora. Iako članovi nadzornog odbora ne vode poslove društva, njihova je uloga važna jer oni paze na to da se poslovi vode na način koji je prihvatljiv svim interesnim skupinama u društvu i oko njega. Pritom je njihova odgovornost uređena po istom načelu kao i odgovornost članova uprave koji vode poslove društva. Takva odgovornost polazi od njihove temeljne obveze da djeluju u interesu društva. U radu se ponajprije obrađuje standard pažnje koji se traži od članova nadzornog odbora u obavljanju njihovih poslova, pri čemu se daje poseban osvrt na ulogu članova u nadzornom odboru vladajućeg društva i u nadzornim odborima ovisnih društava u koncernu. Potom se obrađuje učinak primjene pravila poslovne prosudbe kojom se štiti slobodna poduzetnička prosudba članova nadzornog odbora, a zatim i sukob interesa članova nadzornog odbora i povreda obveze čuvanja poslovne tajne. Rad se u nastavku pobliže bavi zahtjevom za naknadu štete prema članovima nadzornog odbora. Pritom se obrađuje pitanje prema kojim se članovima nadzornog odbora može postaviti takav zahtjev, pretpostavke odgovornosti za štetu i ostvarenje tog zahtjeva, a potom odricanja društva od tog zahtjeva i mogućnost sklapanja nagodbe između društva i člana nadzornog odbora. Zaključno se obrađuje odgovornost zbog iskorištavanja utjecaja u društvu.

Ključne riječi: dioničko društvo, nadzorni odbor, odgovornost članova nadzornog odbora, pravilo poslovne prosudbe


Hrčak ID: 280127

URI: https://hrcak.srce.hr/280127

Stranice: 11-80


“Liability of Supervisory Board Members for Damages to the Public Limited Company”


Jakša Barbić, Ph. D., Fellow of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zrinski trg 11, 10000 Zagreb; professor emeritus, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, 10000 Zagreb; jaksa.barbic@outlook.com; ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0002-2756-6712

The paper systematically elaborates on the liability of supervisory board members. Although the supervisory board members do not manage the business of the company, their role is important because they make sure that the company’s business is conducted in a way that is acceptable to all stakeholders of the company. At the same time, their responsibility is based on the same principle as the responsibility of the members of the management board who manage the company’s business activities. Such responsibility stems from their fundamental obligation to undertake all their activities in the company’s interest. Foremost, the paper analyses the standard of care required from the supervisory board members in performance of their duties, with special reference to the role of supervisory board members in the parent company and in the supervisory boards of subsidiaries in the concern. Subsequently, the paper analyses the effects of business judgment rule application which protects the free entrepreneurial judgment of the supervisory board members. This is followed by analysis of issues relating to the conflict of interest of the supervisory board members and the breach of the trade secret. Afterwards, the paper deals more elaborately with the request for compensation of damages to the supervisory board members. More precisely, the paper analyses issues relating to the question against which supervisory board member can such request be made, conditions for establishing their liability for damages and enforcement of such request. Paper also analyses issues pertaining to the company’s waiver of that request as well as the possibility of concluding a settlement between the company and the supervisory board member. Ultimately, the responsibility for the exploitation of influence in the company is elaborated upon.

Keywords: public limited company, supervisory board, liability of the supervisory board members, business judgment rule

DOI: https://doi.org/10.3935/zpfz.72.12.01

Hrčak ID: 280127

URI: https://hrcak.srce.hr/280127

Pages: 11-80